The highlight of our summer was our 40th wedding anniversary! Sharing life with my best friend is one of life's greatest blessings. We thank the Lord for his goodness in giving us each other and 40 great years together!
The summer has gone by so fast! In May right after Steph and Trevor's wedding, we went to Fort Myers, Florida for our brother-in-law’s memorial service. The service was a celebration of Ted's life and rejoicing in his homegoing to heaven. We were so pleased Jeff and Rachel also came and we are grateful for the family time we had with all the Collins.
Our extended Collins family
In early August we visited Trevor and Steph in Summit County, Colorado. It's beautiful! They live in a very small studio apartment, but they were asked to housesit the same time we were going to be there. It was great that we could all stay in the same place. We enjoyed Steph's good cooking and it was fun just hanging out with them. Dick was thrilled he and Trevor got to go fishing!
The summer break was really good for us and now the fall semester is upon us! Dick has been working on his classes and Kathy helped by doing some of the computer work for him — team work! All class notes and syllabi are printed and ready for classes. We are excited for the students to return and the school year to begin!
Thanks so much for your care, prayers, and support.